Wear a Mask. Practice Self-Care. Be Kind to Yourself. Be Safe.

Twerk Team // Major Laser

I pose to you this question in my best Rick Ross voice, werk, werk, werk, werk, werk, what you twerking with? Don’t worry this post has nothing to do with Rick Ross or that song (though I have to admit it is a guilty pleasure of mine, when I am alone, in the deepest of dark rooms, with no one around for miles or even days, you get the idea). I would like to be a Dance hall Queen for life, gonna explode like dynamite, and I would move outta sight but I can’t stop writing in song lyrics. What I am not-so-eloquently trying to say is I LOVE DANCE HALL. I was introduced to Dance hall through my big sister (ironically half my size) and her never ending Dance hall CDs fully equipped with every siren you’ve ever heard with the same beat playing repeatedly for 30 minutes and 5,875 artists singing, rapping and sing-rapping over the beat.

It wasn’t love at first beat, I hated the Dance hall the first time the rhythmic beats thudded from my sister’s boombox straight through my wall and into my then young and impressionable eardrums. It sounded like noise, well, let me clarify, the numerous sirens and what I thought were sounds from an ambient street noise soundtrack cd you would play in an “experimental hotel” elevator, sounded like noise. The music itself, I liked, then loved as my sister introduced me to more and more Dance hall legends and let’s not forget the art of winding.

Major Lazer – Get Free f/ Amber Coffman

So what is “winding.” For those of you who didn’t grow up with an older sister who battled groups of females all wearing backless shirts, winding is simply a form of dance. Urban Dictionary describes it as a dance craze that “involves putting your “Bad” hand behind your back, on your hip, on your chest, or on your stomach. When you wind, or “Kake”, as it is called when a boy and girl face off, your hips move in a smooth, un-rigid motion.” That description doesn’t paint the same picture in my head but maybe I haven’t been winding all these years, awkward, why didn’t anyone say anything? Any who this long, rambling post was solely meant to be an introduction to a video that was sent to me because of my love for a good wind. Please enjoy.


About the Author


Hello, I am Carol Ndegwa, a Kenyan-born graphic and web designer currently living in Boston, MA.

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