“A few months ago I walked past an area of my former school, Madison Park, that looked really run down: haphazard graffiti, a lot of broken glass, scattered used needles, and what appeared to be human waste. I later found out this space is used not only by Madison Park and the John D. O’Bryant School of Mathematics & Science, but also the Pop Warner football teams. This area is located at the center of Roxbury near Dudley square, a place as deeply rooted in Boston’s history as it is the center for issues of violence and urban decay.”
“Our youth and community deserve better. When I was a student, the space was a lot cleaner and had these big beautiful murals done by a few local graffiti artists. I grew up to attend the Massachusetts College of Art, and the inspiration I got from the murals I saw at Madison as a youth is something I want to give to the next generation of artists. I’m not doing this project for money or attention. I just want to transform this space from one of debris and decay to one of inspiration and beauty. The Inspiration Transformation project will draw from the rich mural and graffiti traditions associated with inner city Boston and bring pride to this space.”
– GoFive
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