… Now Am Back At the Jump Off! Lil Kim you are missed.
But I digress. I went on a short but much-needed vacay last week to Cancun, Mexico and here are the highlights.
I was fortunate enough to ride to coat-tails of my hard-working mother whose ever-working self earned her and a guest (luckily whah) a nice vacation to the El Dorado Royale Resort through her wonderful employer.
We enjoyed a myriad of events such as eating, drinking, dancing, swimming, eating, drinking, dancing, swimming, :::: Mama Scrappy’s voice :::: And in that order. That’s one thing about vacation, when all you have to think about for a string of 3-4 days is nothing but food, drinks, and the next day’s outfit, life tends to be beautiful. My brief and virgin experience of the elusive all-included vacation can only give me a sliver of what life must be to be to not worry about money. And I have to say, it’s a-gosh-darn-ridonculously-amhalzing feeling. Yea I made up that word.
Other vacationers must’ve felt the same way because everyone, I mean EVERY ONE had the most positive, friendly, where-are-you-from, let’s-party-together, you’re-my-best-vacation-friend, more-shots, attitude. The positivity was raining down on us like dollar bills during Rapper Night at Magic City. Yea, I went there. So in summation, it was a good-ass time which leaves me planning my next vacation, hopefully the all-included kind.
~ Jambo