Wear a Mask. Practice Self-Care. Be Kind to Yourself. Be Safe.

I’ve Been Gone for a Minute…

… Now Am Back At the Jump Off! Lil Kim you are missed.

But I digress. I went on a short but much-needed vacay last week to Cancun, Mexico and here are the highlights.

I was fortunate enough to ride to coat-tails of my hard-working mother whose ever-working self earned her and a guest (luckily whah) a nice vacation to the El Dorado Royale Resort through her wonderful employer.

Cancun, Mexico 2013 Beach
Me and my wonderfully, hardworking, amazingly beautiful mother at arrival and during BEACH DAYS! My reading material was “How To Be Black” by Baratunde Thurston, I suggest everyone read this, no matter what race.

We enjoyed a myriad of events such as eating, drinking, dancing, swimming, eating, drinking, dancing, swimming, :::: Mama Scrappy’s voice :::: And in that order. That’s one thing about vacation, when all you have to think about for a string of 3-4 days is nothing but food, drinks, and the next day’s outfit, life tends to be beautiful. My brief and virgin experience of the elusive all-included vacation can only give me a sliver of what life must be to be to not worry about money. And I have to say, it’s a-gosh-darn-ridonculously-amhalzing feeling. Yea I made up that word.

Cancun, Mexico 2013 Entertainment
The food was wonderful and during the trip, the resort had live performances every single night. I was in awe of the strength and talent of all involved. All the shows were completely unique and at the end of the show, it turned into a giant club, every one dancing their hearts out.
Cancun, Mexico 2013 OOTW
These were my Outfits Of The Week (OOTW). After nights of dancing, I stuck with the ONLY flats I remembered to pack ::womp womp:: But luckily they matched everything well :::: Smiley face ::::

Other vacationers must’ve felt the same way because everyone, I mean EVERY ONE had the most positive, friendly, where-are-you-from, let’s-party-together, you’re-my-best-vacation-friend, more-shots, attitude. The positivity was raining down on us like dollar bills during Rapper Night at Magic City. Yea, I went there. So in summation, it was a good-ass time which leaves me planning my next vacation, hopefully the all-included kind.

~ Jambo


About the Author


Hello, I am Carol Ndegwa, a Kenyan-born graphic and web designer currently living in Boston, MA.

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