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Black History Month // Scottsboro Boys

After re-reading this story, I realized I do not have words to express the level of hurt, disappointment, sadness, injustice, and anger that ran through me. So I’ll leave you with these words:

May 25, 1931
From Olen Montgomery
Kilby Prison
Montgomery, Ala.

My Dear Frind Mr. George

Why sitting down warred nilly crazy i want you all to rite to me and tell me how is things going on a bout this case of us 9 boys bee cause i am in here for something i know id did not do my pore mother has no one to help hur to make a living but me she had a little girl luft unly 5 years old to take of and she has no job at all and i gest you all know how times is on the out side tims i had i did all i cud for my pore mother to help hur live and my little sister i was on my way to Memphis on a oil tank by my self a lone and i was not warred with any one un till i got to Pint Rock alabama and they just made a frame up on us boys just cause they cud any way them grond jurys come out of the room and said us five boys punishment shall bee like time in the Kilby Prison and the judge sent them back in the room and they come back out the next time and said their punishment shall bee death in the chair.

Eugene Williams
Haywood Patterson
Charlie Weems
Clarence Norris
Ozie Powell
Andy Wright
Willie Roberson

We want you all to send us some money so we can bye us something that we can ear this food dont agree with me at all i supposed to be at home any way i did not do whay they gat me for i ant give no one any cause to mist treat me this way i know i ant and i hope you all is doin all you can for us boys please sur and we supposed to have a nother trial be cause it was not a fair trial i ant crazy no way either lost my mine.

June 19, 1931
Blair County Jail

Dear Mother:

While in my cell, lonely and thinking of you. I am trying by some means to write you a few words. I would like for you to come down here Thursday. I feel like I can eat some of your cooking Mom. Beatrice may like she was going to send me a chikcen but I haven’t got on yet. I would like for you to bring or send me a chicken. If you please, send me some paper and stamps so I can write more often.

Be sure to send me that chicken, if nothing else and don’t forget that.

Please don’t write or tell me anything to make me feel good. You cant send Andy anything to eat, but you can me. Send or bring me a big bag of peanuts. If you send me a box you dont have to come because I have your picture and I can look at it. Or the cake slice it up when you send it. Tell Sis I say hello. Write back. let me know if you send it or come down. Either one. Put in box or let it come on to me. I have gone chicken crazy so I close for this time.

Your devoted son
Roy Wright

May 4, 1934

Haywood Patterson
Condemned Department
Kilby Prison
Montgomery, Ala.

My dear, Darling Mother;

This certainly is a great pleasure for me here trying to write you these lines in regards how I am. Wellm darling, at this time I am getting along as best as I can under the circumstances. Now mother, precious dear, I received yesterday a letter from Sebill. She was well so far s i am concerned. I have not heard from Lojise this week therefore, I can’t give an account of how they are getting on.

Mother dear, I hope that you will get to see all my dear good friends those of whom has been sure faithful to me, although I never heard from my friends on a certain account but yet, they should kno that does not discourage meas I know they carry the great struggle on and there will be no end to that until I am freed.

Yes, there are at least two or three friends who are not members of the I.L.D. that I hear from. Tell Wm. Patterson and also my many good friends that I am being held incommunicado. If ther is anyone who wish to give me a help by sending me such; as cigarettes, magazines, money and stamps I will get it all right and will appreciate their kindness as if I were before where I could write them. Just to-day I received one dollar from 80 E. 11th St., but received no letter with it that is the way it has been ever since I am here.

I realize that you all know all about it and that it is why it does not worry me or discourage me therefore, it is necessary for you all not to fee discouragged anaway I am innocent of this mess and I will die with that word regardless to what may come or happen. I am innocent and I will always say I am innocient so you all need not worry as I dont worry.

Wish you are well, and enjoying a lot. I hope you can read this as I have not anything to write with.

Close for this time.
Your loving Sun;
Haywood Patterson

P.S. I sincerely hope that it want be much longer before someone comes down to see me as I wish for a few things to be known.

“The Scottsboro Boys were nine black teenage boys accused of rape in Alabama in 1931. The landmark set of legal cases from this incident dealt with racism and the right to a fair trial. The case included a frame up, an all-white jury, rushed trials, an attempted lynching, an angry mob, and is an example of an overall miscarriage of justice. – wikipedia

Credits – Letters Concerning the Scottboro Trails


About the Author


Hello, I am Carol Ndegwa, a Kenyan-born graphic and web designer currently living in Boston, MA.

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