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Insecure Inspired Hair Style of the Day

The second season of Insecure on HBO is underway, are you watching? ?


If not, you should be!


I have followed Issa Rae and her projects from the first episode of the “Awkward Black Girl” YouTube series she created circa 2011. I LOVE EVERYTHING about this show, from season one continuing into the second. Especially the fashion and different styles, textures and lengths of black hair represented episode after episode. Shout out to Melina Matsoukas.

On the first episode of season two, the girls (Issa, Molly, Kelli and Tiffany) attend a museum event thrown by Tiffany. First of all, I. WANT. ALL. THE. OUTFITS. Second, Kelli’s hair ? ?? ?


When I saw her come on screen it was love at first sight with those coils. Her curls were poppin! She rocked her curly mane in an elegant up-do with the back pinned up and a waterfall of curls framing her face. Just lovely. I immediately changed my flat-twist strategy for that night’s natural hair night time routine to try and achieve this same look (well as close as my 4C texture would let me, lol).

#Insecure #naturalhair inspiration #hellacute ??#Kelli @nfrothwell

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The results: I think I came pretty close, lol. I loved trying a new natural hair style and the fact that the inspiration came from one of my favorite shows created by a very diverse and very talented group of women that I deeply admire feels amazing. I relate to these women and their stories, on and off screen, and it feels good seeing women that look like me thriving and excelling. It makes me feel like I am part of something larger and that the girls that come after me can make it even farther. #blackgirlmagic

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About the Author


Hello, I am Carol Ndegwa, a Kenyan-born graphic and web designer currently living in Boston, MA.

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