The gym is probably the only time I listen to any form of techno/club/dance music due to the fast thumping beats that make this girl run like Forest (Gump, that is) on the treadmill. Pandora is my app of choice for this activity. I like the random nature of the playlists, though the anti-skip feature gets quite annoying. Though the playlists select songs at random, there is a pre-set nature to them. I often hear the same songs in a row and usually it’s always the same group of songs. But it’s free so I change stations and keep moving to the beat.
One of the randoms I learned to love was a song by an artist who’s name I’m hesitant to type for fear that someone will see this post and throw it back in my face during a hardcore 90’s R&B debate (you know who you are). Ok, I’ll say his name, Flo-Rida, or Florida as I like to call him, has a song called “Wild Ones” that I absolutely cannot get myself to hate. I had no idea why I liked this song until I heard David Guetta’s “Titanium.” I immediately feared I was turning into a pop-loving, fist-pumping techno lover (not that there’s anything wrong with that, just not my faves). The common denominator of these songs was a beautiful voice that touched my very soul, she was the reason for my new-found, unexplainable love. Her name is Sia. I immediately searched her music on the internets and found that I loved all her music just the same. I now wish I could edit those two songs named above to just the chorus’ where she blows me away with her soulful voice and uplifting sound. She is definitely not new to music but is new to me so join me because.. Hey I heard you are a wild one, Oooh, If I took you home, It’d be a home run, Show me how you’ll do. You’ll do well my friend, very well indeed.
She has a really fun blog herself that showcases her music, talents and life as it is. Check out her music, you just might fall in love too.