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This Week in Obama | Obama’s Uncle is Illegal

Everyone has that family member that tends to embarrass the family at a larger scale than anyone else could. But imagine that family member has broken a law that is a hot topic nationally and you just happened to be the most criticized President of the United States of America. Such is first black President of the United States of America’s life, Barack Obama.


Meet Onyango Obama, President Obama’s uncle from Kenya (his late father’s half brother). He has been living in the US for over 50 years, since 1963 and while living here has graduated from high school in Cambridge, received a degree in philosophy from Boston University and worked as manager at a family-owned business in Framingham, MA.


What’s wrong with this picture you ask? He was ordered to be deported more than two decades ago (1992). He then basically cuban b-ed (inside joke meaning ignored – TBGWT fans know), the order and stayed in these Americas all these years doing such things as stealing our jobs and ruining the economy, JUST KIDDING! He actually spent many a decades helping African immigrants find housing and settle in the US.


Long story short, he was illegal all these years with the president being his nephew. That is hilarious to me. President Obama had no dealings in this situation. The uncle’s saving grace is a law that entitles immigrants who are “out of status” to become permanent residents if they arrived in the U.S. before 1972, maintained continuous residence, and are of good moral character. He only got arrested once for drunk driving (I mean Zimmerman shot someone and he’s cool, right? ::this is sarcasm btw::).


So as the holidays surround us and you roll your eyes for the eighth time at uncle so and so, remember at least you’re family’s not being watched by a nation this Xmas. Happy Holidays.


~ Jambo




About the Author


Hello, I am Carol Ndegwa, a Kenyan-born graphic and web designer currently living in Boston, MA.

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